Day 53 | Finding HIM with the S-O-A-P

Hello Reader!

If you happen to be one of the 3 people (I love each and every one of you ) who have read anything on my blog, you know the format that I have been using is..

  • Passage
  • Thoughts (or Further Study and then Thoughts)
  • Prayer

Well, I’ve been attending the most amazing seminars by Pastor Lee Venden. The seminars are entitled All About Jesus (you can learn more here) and he has made me realize that everything is about a relationship with Jesus. He has also done a wonderful job of giving us simple and reality based approaches to becoming good friends with our Savior. One of those approaches is called the S.O.A.P. method, which stands for..

  • SScripture (Start with prayer asking the Holy Spirit to guide you. Then take a passage or scripture, slowly read it with the purpose of seeing Jesus in it)
  • OObservation (Ruminate on the passage. Think about what it might have looked like, felt like, sounded like and maybe even tasted like. Try to put yourself in what you are reading as an observer.)
  • AApplication (Take what you have learned and apply it to your life. Does Jesus have a message for you? Did you learn something tangible and applicable to your life?)
  • PPrayer (Now talk with your Friend. Tell Him what you’ve seen in the passage and most importantly, take the time to listen…Jesus does want to talk to you with that “still small voice.” He longs to spend time with you.)

So, without further ado, I am going to start using this format for all future blogs. If you’re following along then you can experience along with me what a difference this can make. It is all about Jesus and forming a strong relationship with Him.

See you at the next post!!


Dear Jesus,

I want to know you better and I want to hear Your voice. Please bless this new way of getting to know You. Help me to not be distracted and to find you in what I read in the bible. I love you Lord. Amen.

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